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2022AnnualReportFINALCovDocumentation Pack for 2024 Annual Parochial Church Meeting, held Sunday 21st April 2024, is available to view or download.  

Click on image to access.  Some previous year's reports can also be seen.

Safeguarding at St Peter's


We at St Peter’s wish to promote a safer church where everyone feels welcome and safe.  Please click on the image to the right to see our policy for a safe Church along with details of whom to contact with any concerns. 

LinkUpLogo2A weekly News Sheet, called "LINK UP", is normally produced for each Sunday to provide details of that day's services, as well as what's happening the following week.  For latest LINK UP click on the logo. 


Comments or problems with website? Please contact the web master: webmaster@stpeterswg.org.uk

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